Adora DRi
Imagine the ultimate DR solution for your radiological department. Imagine a system designed specifically to match your daily needs.Imagine Adora DRi.
Adora DRi is the original, classic version of the Adora and has all the virtues characterizing the design from the outset and now more powerful than ever with the inSPIRE edition: smooth, direct, and fast in its movements, enabling more intuitive use and a higher degree of automation without sacrificing the outstanding positioning flexibility.
Adora DRi is a fully automatic, motorized digital radiographic imaging solution based upon anatomical programme selection. The system’s design with the rotating ceiling unit and independently moving X-ray tube and detector arms, allows the system to perform exposures from practically any angle through one-touch, stress-free operation.
Position the system Anywhere and experience how lateral examinations such as left and right-side axial hip examinations and patella skyline exposures are faster, easier and more comfortable to perform on a system that is truly flexible. Use this flexibility to perform exposures on patients who are standing, lying in a patient bed, or sitting in a wheelchair when necessary.
The patient grip stand is excellent support for patients during thorax examinations, and – with an add-on – for stitching procedures.
Save and restore any position – permanently or on-the-fly. Preferred positions can be saved and recalled at any time, for fast and fully automatic positioning.

The inSPIRE edition of Adora gives you the advantage of even more intuitive controls for enhanced efficiency and optimized workflows.
Examination specific settings, informative feedback to prevent unintended use, built-in user assistance, and a joystick that works as an extension of the users’ hand and intent makes the Adora easy to learn and master.
The icon-based user interface always remains horizontal to the user and provides complete control of the Adora and all examination specific parameters. In addition, custom buttons enable configuration to match the preferences and most frequently used functions in the room.
Choose to integrate convenient patient access in a two-step auto-positioning process or select any of the standard positions to move quickly between positions in the examination room.
Tailor and optimize Adora to match the departments exact preferences.
No more heavy lifting
PositionAnywhere means that with Adora, you move the system – not the patient. Fully automated movements eliminate the need for staff to manually handle the system, lessening the risk of repetitive stress injuries amongst radiographers. Even manual adjustments are stress free, using the system’s joystick for fine positioning with one degree accuracy.
The ergonomic tube joystick gives smooth, power assisted manual movements in the X, Y and Z plane. A large floating touch screen on the tube displays all system parameters and tilts to always remain horizontal to user.
The durable carbon fibre patient table features340° rotation around the base, ensures easy access all around itand provides optimal work conditions even in small examination rooms. Further, the table floats to ease fine positioning of the patient.
Keeping the room spotless: there is plenty of space under the table for industrial cleaning equipment, and all surfaces on the Adora are smooth, hygienic and easy to reach.