With just one week to go until ECR, we’re excited to connect with customers and partners for meetings, presentations, and live product demos! This year, NRT will showcase two systems at ECR: - Adora DRFi...
With just one week to go until ECR, we’re excited to connect with customers and partners for...
NRT will be present RSNA 2023 (26 - 29 November 2023) in Chicago and is available for introductions to the Adora line of advanced, fully automated and ergonomic DR imaging solutions as well as the highly...
NRT will be present RSNA 2023 (26 - 29 November 2023) in Chicago and is available for...
Med henblik på at fortsætte den positive udvikling i NRT X-RAY A/S, Hasselager, Aarhus er der indgået aftale med Canon Medical Systems, Japan om overtagelse af virksomheden. Efter opnåelse af...
Med henblik på at fortsætte den positive udvikling i NRT X-RAY A/S, Hasselager,...
NRT would like to wish you all the best during this holiday time, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at NRT! We would like to thank everyone for the support and excellent cooperation throughout...
NRT would like to wish you all the best during this holiday time, a Merry Christmas and a Happy...
NRT invites you to attend live video demonstrations of the Adora DRFi directly from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. The Adora DRFi is a unique state-of-the-art solution for multi-purpose examination rooms....
NRT invites you to attend live video demonstrations of the Adora DRFi directly from Aarhus...
NRT has been selected as nominee in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition 2020. We are delighted with this appreciation, and as a group we reflect as follows: ‘This recognition coming our...
NRT has been selected as nominee in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition...
Aarhus, Denmark, April 2020 NRT has released the in SPIRE edition of Adora DRFi for immediate delivery. This represents a giant leap forward in terms of advanced functionalities and visual appearance...
Aarhus, Denmark, April 2020 NRT has released the in SPIRE edition of Adora DRFi for...
NRT will, once again, be present at RSNA 2019 at the Canon USA booth #1933 (South Hall) and is available for introductions to the Adora line of advanced, fully automated and ergonomic DR...
NRT will, once again, be present at RSNA 2019 at the Canon USA booth #1933 ...
NRT will be present at Sädeturvapäivät alongside our distributor LifeMed Oy. The conference will be held in Tampere, Finland, 31 October – 1 November 2019. We are pleased to be part of this...
NRT will be present at Sädeturvapäivät alongside our distributor LifeMed Oy. The...
NRT will be present at PLTR Congress 2019 in Gdansk alongside our distributor MIRO Sp. z o.o. The Conference will take place at AmberExpo (Żaglowa 11, 80-560 Gdańsk) booth #12, 6 - 8 June...
NRT will be present at PLTR Congress 2019 in Gdansk alongside our distributor MIRO Sp. z...
NRT will be present at Nordic Congress of Radiology 2019 in Copenhagen alongside our distributor Santax Medico. The Conference will take place at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel (Amager Boulevard 70), 22 –...
NRT will be present at Nordic Congress of Radiology 2019 in Copenhagen alongside our...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on February 27th in Vienna. We are pleased to be part of this annual meeting of the European radiology society and to be able to show the latest Adora...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on February 27th in Vienna. We...
NRT will be present RSNA 2018 at the Canon USA booth #1938 (South Hall) and is available for introductions to the Adora line of advanced, fully automated and ergonomic DR imaging solutions as...
NRT will be present RSNA 2018 at the Canon USA booth #1938 (South Hall) and is...
NRT will be present at Sädeturvapäivät alongside our distributor LifeMed Oy. The conference will be held in Tampere, Finland, 1 – 2 November 2018. We are pleased to be part of this event...
NRT will once again be present at Röntgenveckan 2018 in Örebro alongside our distributor Mediel AB. The Conference will take place in Conventum Konferens Örebro, 18 – 21 September 2018. We are...
NRT will once again be present at Röntgenveckan 2018 in Örebro alongside our...
NRT was proud to be part of the impressive launch of Canon at ECR 2018 in Vienna. Of the NRT product portfolio, the Adora DRFi was prominently positioned in the Powered by Canon DR section of the booth for...
NRT was proud to be part of the impressive launch of Canon at ECR 2018 in Vienna. Of the NRT...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on March 1st in Vienna. We are pleased to be part of this annual meeting of the European radiology society and to be able to show the new Adora DRFi...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on March 1st in Vienna. We are...
NRT will be present RSNA at the Canon USA booth #7330 (North Hall) and is available for introductions to the Adora line of advanced, fully automated and ergonomic DR imaging solutions as well as...
NRT will be present RSNA at the Canon USA booth #7330 (North Hall) and is available for...
NRT is proud to sponsor the 5 th International RSA Conference which will be held from 6 th to 8 th October in Adelaide, Australia. We are pleased to be part of this annual meeting alongside our distributor...
NRT is proud to sponsor the 5 th International RSA Conference which will be held from 6 th to...
NRT will be present at Röntgenveckan 2017 in Linköping alongside our distributor Mediel AB. The Conference will take place in Linköping Concert & Congress Hall, 12– 15 September 2017....
NRT will be present at Röntgenveckan 2017 in Linköping alongside our distributor...
Explore the Canon promotional video introducing the new generation of advanced flat panel detectors on: Introducing the CXDI 710C Wireless . Reduced weight, waterproof, on-board memory and an...
Explore the Canon promotional video introducing the new generation of advanced flat panel...
NRT will be present at UK Radiological Congress alongside our distributor Hospital Services Ltd (HSL). The Congress will take place in Manchester at the Manchester Central Convention Complex, between 12 –...
NRT will be present at UK Radiological Congress alongside our distributor Hospital Services Ltd...
To mark the completion of the AutoRSA project, NRT and the project partners are arranging an international symposium Thursday March 9 th at Aarhus University Hospital/THG focusing on the scientific and...
To mark the completion of the AutoRSA project, NRT and the project partners are arranging an...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR 2017 commences on March 2nd in Vienna. We are pleased to be part of this annual meeting and to be able to show the Adora DRFi to all interested parties. Adora DRFi is...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR 2017 commences on March 2nd in Vienna. We are...
Recently, NRT was invited by Healthcare Denmark to participate in a video promoting the Danish med tech industry. Healthcare Denmark is the official Danish body coordinating visits for foreign decision makers and...
Recently, NRT was invited by Healthcare Denmark to participate in a video promoting the Danish...
NRT will be present at the Canon USA booth 1135 , South Building Hall A and is available for introductions to the Adora line of advanced, fully automated and ergonomic DR imaging solutions as...
NRT will be present at the Canon USA booth 1135 , South Building Hall A and is...
NRT and Amico Group medical imaging have installed the first Adora DRi X-ray system in the Middle East region at the Dubai Bone & Joint Center (DBAJ), the first Premier Center for Musculoskeletal Treatment and...
NRT and Amico Group medical imaging have installed the first Adora DRi X-ray system in the...
Over the summer, a new Adora DR i has been installed at Motol University Hospital which is the first Adora installation in the Czech Republic. Motol University Hospital is the largest healthcare facility in the...
Over the summer, a new Adora DR i has been installed at Motol University Hospital which is the...
NRT will be present at this conference alongside our German distributor MTS Medizintechnische Servicegesellschaft mbH. We look forward to take part in this event and to present our latest developments, such...
NRT will be present at this conference alongside our German distributor MTS Medizintechnische...
Following this year's European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, we would like to share with you a round-up of our top 10 Adora DRFi features!
Following this year's European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, we would like to share with you...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on March 2nd in Vienna. We are pleased to be part of this annual meeting of the European radiology society and to be able to show the new Adora DRFi to...
NRT will once again be present, when the ECR Congress commences on March 2nd in Vienna. We are...
February 8, 2016; Aarhus, Denmark; Landspitali, Iceland’s University hospital in Reykjavik and the main hospital in Iceland has selected NRT’s Adora DRi as their DR x-ray system of choice for the coming...
February 8, 2016; Aarhus, Denmark; Landspitali, Iceland’s University hospital in...
February 1, 2016; Aarhus, DK; Two new versions of the Adora product line were released by the end of 2015 and shipments have started. Building on a concept for ergonomy, flexibility and automation, Adora...
February 1, 2016; Aarhus, DK; Two new versions of the Adora product line were released by...
Should you be participating in Dubai at the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress 2016 , the largest medical conference in the Middle East, then do not miss the opportunity to see the Adora DRi in action at the...
Should you be participating in Dubai at the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress 2016 , the...
2015 marks the 40 th anniversary of NRT, which was celebrated on the premises in Hasselager (DK) this past weekend. Over the last 40 years, NRT has undergone a substantial development: Originating as a service...
2015 marks the 40 th anniversary of NRT, which was celebrated on the premises in...
May 13-15 NRT was represented at the technical exhibition at the 4 th International RSA Meeting , hosted at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna. This bi-annual event offered plenty of opportunities for...
May 13-15 NRT was represented at the technical exhibition at the 4 th International...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2015, Vienna March 5-8: a versatile DR solution enabling both dynamic and static image acquisition. Adora RF is a pioneering and advanced hybrid solution for...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2015, Vienna March 5-8: a versatile DR solution enabling...
Should you be participating in Dubai at the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress 2015, the largest medical conference in the region, which begins today, then you mustn’t miss the opportunity to see Adora DR in...
Should you be participating in Dubai at the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress 2015, the...
NRT will be available for introductions to the Adora line of DR imaging systems at RSNA from Sunday November 30 to Wednesday December 3. Adora RAD is the ultimate solution for general...
NRT will be available for introductions to the Adora line of DR imaging systems at...
North West-based Med Imaging has become the UK distributor for NRT. Commenting on the partnership, Mogens Ravn, CEO at NRT said: “We are very much looking forward to joining forces with Med...
North West-based Med Imaging has become the UK distributor for NRT. Commenting on...
NRT exhibits the Adora RF at Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2014, Hamburg May 29-30: a versatile DR solution enabling both dynamic and static image acquisition. Adora RF is a pioneering and advanced...
NRT exhibits the Adora RF at Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2014, Hamburg May 29-30: a versatile...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2014, Vienna March 7-10: a versatile DR solution enabling both dynamic and static image acquisition. Adora RF is a pioneering and advanced hybrid solution for...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2014, Vienna March 7-10: a versatile DR solution enabling...
NRT has appointed LifeMed Oy as new distributor in Finland. LifeMed has over 30 years of experience in selling and servicing medical imaging systems, and has pioneered several new innovations in the Finish market. By...
NRT has appointed LifeMed Oy as new distributor in Finland. LifeMed has over 30 years of...
NRT will be available for introductions to the Adora line of DR imaging systems at RSNA from Sunday December 1 to Thursday December 5. Adora RAD is the ultimate solution for general purpose...
In co-operation with researchers from Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital and Aalborg University Hospital, NRT will head the development of an integrated diagnostic imaging platform which will bring...
In co-operation with researchers from Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital and Aalborg...
NRT is proud to sponsor the 3 rd biannual International RSA Meeting which will take place May 22-24 in Lund, Sweden, and will be present at the associated exhibition for introductions to the Adora RSA system....
NRT is proud to sponsor the 3 rd biannual International RSA Meeting which will take place...
End of January 2013, key users and RSA scientists from Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden), University of Aberdeen (Scotland) and Aalborg University Hospital / Farsoe (Denmark) met in Gothenburg for the first...
End of January 2013, key users and RSA scientists from Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden),...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2013: a pioneering and versatile DR solution enabling both dynamic and static image acquisition. Adora RF is an advanced hybrid solution for multi-purpose...
NRT will exhibit the Adora RF at ECR 2013: a pioneering and versatile DR solution enabling both...
October 22 the 3 rd Adora RSA system was inaugurated at Sygehus Himmerland in Farsoe (Denmark). Adora RSA is a unique and pioneering, custom built x-ray system designed for fast, reliable and precise digital...
October 22 the 3 rd Adora RSA system was inaugurated at Sygehus Himmerland in Farsoe...
NRT joins forces with Aarhus University Hospital in a cooperative effort to exploit and document the full potential of Adora RF, the most recent member of the Adora product family, and further refine and optimize the...
NRT joins forces with Aarhus University Hospital in a cooperative effort to exploit and document...
A strong and expanding range of high quality flat panel detectors from Canon is the cornerstone in Adora system configurations. The Canon detectors and CDXI software provide fast, high quality, digital image capture...
A strong and expanding range of high quality flat panel detectors from Canon is the cornerstone...
The Adora platform is continuously enhanced with new functionality as a result of the close dialogue with clinical staff at hospitals. Recent new features add more control options and examination flexibility to the...
The Adora platform is continuously enhanced with new functionality as a result of the close...